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A horse has got _____.
a) for
b) fore
c) four
Yesterday she _____ a vase.
a) breaks
b) has broken
c) broken
I _____ her at school already.
a) saw
b) have seen
c) will see
A8. Usually we _____ supper at 7 p.m.
a) are having
b) had
c) drank
A9. We _____ juice now
a) drink
b) are drinking

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Ответы на вопрос:

A5. A horse has got four hoofs.

A6. Yesterday she BROKE a vase.

A7. I have seen her at school already.

A8. Usually we are having supper at 7 p.m.

A9. We are drinking juice now.

1. he (attends) all lectures regularly. 2. we has already (decided) to join the students’ scientific society of our university. 3. the students of our group (are carrying out) a laboratory test now. 4. i left the library after i (had finished) reading the book. 5. they (will write) a test in english next week. 6. the lessons at our university (begin) at 8 a.m. 7. by the end of the year they (will have graduated) from the university. 8. all my friends (passed) their examinations well last week. 9. when we came to the dormitory to visit our friends, irene (was translating) a text and ann (was writing) a letter to her parents.

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