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с инглишом
1. Make collocations and translate them.
move your leg
sit your head
break exams
cut house
bang your finger

2. Write the correct reflexive pronoun in the gap.

1. She made breakfast ___.
2. I can do it ___, thank you.
3. They look after ___.
4. John cut ___with a knife by accident.
5. The TV-set switched off by ___.

3. Write in should or shouldn’t.
1. You ___sleep well.
2. You ___ spend too much money.
3. If you are ill, you ___call a doctor.
4. You ___ play computer games all day.
5. You ___visit your grandparents.

4. Choose the correct item. Write the name of the tense.
1. I work/am working at my mum’s shop next week.
2. I have bought/will buy a new mobile phone. Let’s take some pictures with it!
3. He goes/went to Spain 5 years ago.
4. It’s cold. I will close/close the window.
5. Your hands are dirty. What did you do/have you been doing?

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1 j 2 a 3 d 4 f 5 b 6 e 7 c 8 i 9 h 10 g


надеюсь я не сильно ошибся. самый сложный вопрос 5

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