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II. Put the verbs in the right tense form.
1. Mary __________ (listen) to new opera yesterday.
2. Stacy __________ (not / like) green tea.
3. They __________ (go) to Sochi last summer.
4. Bill and Bob __________ (finish) school next year.
5. My friends __________ (not / go) to the cinema last Sunday.
6. People __________ (speak) English all over the world.
7. Who __________ (see) a ghost last night?
8. Jim usually __________ (run) in the park in the morning.
9. All children __________ (like) sweets.
10. My parents __________ (come) in two weeks.

III. Write down the sentences and correct the mistakes. There are some sentences with no mistakes in them.
1. When he will be there?
2. His mom and dad go to the theatre once a month.
3. Is these girls his friends?
4. He and his brother doesn’t speak French.
5. Bill writes a letter to me next week.
6. He will never late.
7. Who will help you yesterday?
8. I don’t like horrors.
9. Susan will come in 5 minutes, will she?
10. Everybody liked the film.

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,4(79 оценок)


1. Mary listened to the new opera yesterday.

2. Stacy doesn't like green tea.

3. They went to Sochi last summer.

4. Bill and Bob will finish school next year.

5. My friends didn't go to the cinema last Sunday.

6. People speak English all over the world.

7. Who saw a ghost last night?

8. Jim usually runs in the park in the morning.

9. All children like sweets.

10. My parents will come in two weeks.


1. When will he be there?

2. His mum and dad go to the theatre once a month.

3. Are these girls his friends?

4. He and his brother don't speak French.

5. Bill will write a letter to me next week.

6. He is never late.

7. Who helped you yesterday?

8. I don't like horrors.

9. Susan will come in 5 minutes, won't she?

10. Everybody liked the film.

Bbq ribs — ребрышки барбекю
cheddar and bacon burger — бургер с сыром чеддер и беконом
cheeseburger — чизбургер
tuna and egg sandwich — сэндвич с тунцом и яйцом
fish and chips — рыба с картофелем фри
steak — стейк
roast chicken and potatoes — запеченная курица с картофелем
spaghetti bolognese — спагетти с соусом болоньезе
lasagna — лазанья
pasta carbonara — паста карбонара
risotto — ризотто
pizza — пицца
oysters — устрицы
roast — жаркое
stew — рагу
pork chop — свиная отбивная
mac’n’cheese — макароны с сыром
seafood pasta — паста с морепродуктами
chicken noodles — лапша с курицей
wok noodles — вок-лапша
fried rice — жареный рис
shish kebab — шашлык
gyro — кебаб, шаурма
meatballs — фрикадельки
schnitzel — шницель
гарниры, завтраки и десерты:

grilled vegetables — овощи-гриль
chips / french fries — картофель-фри
mashed potatoes — картофельное пюре
boiled potatoes — отварной картофель
rice — рис
scrambled eggs / omelette — омлет
fried eggs — яичница
bacon and eggs — яичница с беконом
porridge — каша
pancakes — блины / оладьи
cheesecake — чизкейк
tiramisu — тирамису
homemade apple tart — яблочный пирог
cherry pie — вишневый пирог
chocolate brownie — шоколадный брауни
ice-cream — мороженое
vanilla pudding — ванильный пудинг

tea — чай
herbal tea — травяной чай
coffee — кофе
americano — американо
cappucino — капучино
latte — латте
cocoa — какао
still water — вода без газа
sparkling water — вода с газом
juice — сок
milkshake — молочный коктейль
lemonade — лимонад

Популярно: Английский язык