Есть ответ 👍

Используйте в данных предложениях притяжательные местоимения в или абсолютной форме.
Модель форма, mine – абсолютная форма.

1. This is my car. … is a 1992 model.

2. You don’t have enough time to wash … hair.

3. Sarah is dressed very well. … gloves were made in Italy.

4. Our house is older than the Smiths’. … is smaller though.

5. Thomas met … wife at a college, but my wife is more intelligent than … .

6. I managed to keep my books dry, but you got … wet, I see.

7. I am sorry, this is not my jacket, … is brown.

8. I saw his new car. It’s a Honda. – You are wrong. He doesn’t have a Honda. … is a Mercedes.

9. I am not happy about my new house, but … is just awful. I can’t understand why they’ve bought it.

10. It’s cold in this room but in … it’s even worse. We are freezing.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. my - поосьая форма абсолютная абсолютная

6. yours - абсолютная

7. mine - абсолютная

8. his - абсолютная

9. theirs - абсолютная

10. yours - абсолютная


форма форма форма

4)theirs- абсолютная абсолютная форма

6)yours- абсолютная

7)mine- абсолютная

8)his- абсолютная

9)theirs- абсолютная


1is planting 2 is writing 3 are playing   4are you doing .i 'm getting up 5 is he repairing . yes he is

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