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A 1 __________ a lot of people at the station.

1) Was

2) Were

3) There was

4) There were

A 2 I wonder if we ever ________ each other again.

1) See

2) Saw

3) Shall see

4) .Have seen

A 3 The woman who ________ to my sister is our neighbor.

1) Speaks

2) Speak

3) Have spoken

4) Is speaking

A 4 We are going away for _________ days.

1) Few

2) A few

3) Any

4) Little

A5. Do you think the book is worth _______?

1) Read

2) To read

3) Be read

4) Reading

A 6 What makes you _______ you are right ?

1) Think

2) To think

3) Thinks

4) Thought

A 7 I wish I _______Spanish.

1) Know

2) Will know

3) Knew

4) Have known

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. there were

2. have seen

3. is speaking

4. a few

5. to read

6. thought

7. know

всё во вложении

каждый писать слишком лень

Популярно: Английский язык