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1. Выберите правильный вариант.
Zoos play an important role in nature conversation, ...? a) doesn’t they? b) don’t zoos? c) don’t they?
Zoos cannot recreate an animal’s natural habitat, ...?
a) cannot they? b) can they? c) can’t they?
We must do our best to protect zoos and their habitats,...? a) don’t we? b) mustn’t we? c) must they?
2. Как правильно? Обведите.
Он ездил в Италию 2 года назад.
a) He went to Italy two years ago.
b) He has gone to Italy two years ago.
Мы еще не читали книг этого писателя.
a) We haven’t read any books by this writer yet.
b) We didn’t read any books by this writer yet.
Джоан Роулинг написала 8 книг о Гарри Поттере.
a) Joanne Rowling wrote 8 books about Harry Potter.
b) Joanne Rowling has written 8 books about Harry Potter.
3. Выберите подходящее слово.
When acid rain falls into lakes, streams, rivers and seas, they become...
a) fog b) dirty
We can help to ... the amount of acid rain.
a) reduce b)pollute When it rains, this ... lands everywhere.
c) toxic c)protect
a) water b) pollution
c) fog

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