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Art gallery


Concert hall



Theme park

An area where you can see wild animals.

An area where people can do exciting activities.

A place where you can see a play.

A building where you see people who sing or play music.

A building where you can see paintings.

A place where there are collections of things to see.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Zoo -An area where you can see wild animals.

Theme park-An area where people can do exciting activities.

Theatre-A place where you can see a play.

Concert hall-A building where you see people who sing or play music.

Art gallery-A building where you can see paintings.

Museum-A place where there are collections of things to see.

Этим летом я купался на пляже, гулял с друзьями по городу. это лето было жаркое. я катался на атракционах в парке. мы ездили отдыхать в деревню. а в августе я был дома. читал книги и понимал что скоро первое сентября. this summer i swam at the beach, hanging out with friends in the city. this summer was very hot. i rode on atraccion in the park. we went to rest in the village. and in august i was at home. i read books and knew that soon, september 1st

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