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A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Поставьте глагол из скобок в

нужную видовременную форму.

1. At the moment they.......... (read) the book.

2. He ..................... (visit) his grandmother every Friday afternoon.

3. Tim ...........(watch) TV when Jane arrived.

4. Last weekend I ............(visit) my grandparents.

5. We ..... already.........(collect) rubbish.

B. Choose the right answer. Выберите правильный ответ.

6. Where is Lucy? – She ... (go) to the shops.

a) goes b) have gone c) has gone

7. My brother and I ... (not like) to read fairy tales.

a) don’t like b) didn’t like c) doesn’t like

8. Last night we ... (watch) a film while Tim ... (play) with Bob.

a) was watching/ played b) were watching/was playing

9.We’re tired. We ... (work) in the garden for two hours.

a) have been working b) have worked c) worked

10. ... the professor (speak) two foreign languages?

a) did...speak b) does...speaks c) does ....speak

11. She ... (not go) for a walk with her friends last night.

a) don’t go b) didn’t go c) hasn’t gone

12. If Tom ... (study) hard, he ..... (write) his test easily.

a) study/writes b) will study/writes c) studies/will write

13. Two weeks ago as she ... (walk) to the station, she ... (see) Mike.

a) was walking/ saw b) walked/ saw

14. ...... your parents (ever be) in Canada?

a) were b) have been c) will be

15. There ... a lot of pupils in the museum yesterday.

a) were b) was c) will be

16. Laura .... usually.... go to the gym after school.

a) didn’t go b) doesn’t go c) is not going

17. Dad thinks I study ...... (bad) than my cousin.

a) worst b) more bad c) worse

18. Where is Bob? - He ... his car in the garage.

a) repairs b) is going to repair c) is repairing

19. Plants die if you ______ (not water) them.

a) don’t water b) won’t water c) didn’t water

20. That film is ____________(interesting) of all.

a) more interesting b) the most interesting c) interesting

C. Read the text and and mark the statements true (T) or false (F). прочитайте текст и

отметьте буквой Т, если утверждение ВЕРНО, и буквой F, если утверждение


The National Sport of England

Football is the most рорulаr sport in England. ln fact, а lot of English people say it is

their national sport.

English people have played football fоr а vеrу long time. Ноwеvеr, the game didn’t

have аnу rеаl rulеs until the l9th сеntuгу. ln l815, Eton College created гulеs to make the

gаmе less violent and lаtеr, in l848, Cambridge university made mаnу of the mоdеrn rulеs.

Football quickly became as рорulаr as оthеr games such аs cricket.

Today, thеrе аrе thousands of fооtbаll clubs in England, and professional clubs, such

as Аrsеnаl, Livеrрооl and Маnсhеstеr United аrе famous all оvеr the world.

Football has bесоmе раrt of the сulturаl life in England and hundreds of thousands of

fans suрроrt thеir fаvоuritе teams in stadiums аrоund the country еvеrу weekend. Маnу

English сhildrеn have football lessons at school. And famous footballers, such as David

Beckham and Michael Owen hаvе become rоlе models fоr а lot of these сhildrеn.

21.Football rules were created in the 19th century. ......

22. Arsenal is unknown football team. ......

23. The English like football. ......

24. Football fans often go to stadiums. ......

25. Cricket is one of popular game in England.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 a comb/hairbrush 2 a knife 3 a belt 4 hair clip  5 a scarf


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