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№1. Passive voice. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
1. The office (clean) every morning.
2. This castle (build) by my parents a long time ago.
3. The sentence (just write) by me.
4. Christmas (celebrate) by Christians all over the world.
5. The car (repair) before Jim has to go to London. – Машину починят…
6. They (just award) with gold medals!
7. His new book (publish) by last Monday. – Книгу напечатали…
8. The carpets (wash) at the moment.
9. You (give) enough time. – Вам дадут время.
10. Letters (often write) by hand.
№2. Reported speech. Rewrite sentences into reported speech:
1. “My name is Harry”, he said.
2. “Harry Potter will help us to do this”, Hermione said.
3. “Can your cat swim?”, my aunt asked.
4. “Has she done her homework yet”, her sister asked.
5. “What do you think about your future education?” he asked.
6. “I’ve never seen such beautiful dress”, she said.
7. “My teachers don’t understand my jokes”, Bart said.
8. “Put on your jacket, please” (she).
9. “What are your interests?”, boy asked.
10. “Don’t waste my time!” (she).
11. “When will you visit your best friend?”, my mom asked.
№3. Modal verbs. Rewrite sentences using verbs in the brackets:
1. She just doesn’t know how to ride a horse. (be able to)
2. Probably she’s at her office. (could)
3. It is dangerous to use mobile phones on the plane. (mustn’t)
4. My mom knew how to cook when she was six. (could)
5. This is a surprise. Don’t tell anybody about it. (shouldn’t)
6. It’s possible that he’ll be there to meet us. (may)
7. He isn’t sure if his dad is going to give him a car. (might not)
8. Do not block this exit. (mustn’t)
9. It is necessary to fasten your seat belt. (must)

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