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Complete the sentences. Use: at, in, on

1) I had lunch………….11 o clock yesterday.

2) My little brother was born…………2001.

3) I went to school ………..the 1st of September.

4) ……… summer I lived in the country.

5) Tom goes to the swimming pool ……… 2 o clock.

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Ответы на вопрос:


At используется с точным временем, on с датой, in в широком формате (года, декады)

1. I had lunch at 11 o'clock yesterday.

2. My little brother was born in 2001.

3. I went to school on the 1st of September.

4. In summer I lived in the country.

5. Tom goes to the swimming pool at 2 o'clock.

1. have performed

2. have seen

3. have  had

4. have shaven

5. have caught

6. have swam

7. have worked

8. have been

9. have suffered

10. have visited

11. have come


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