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IV.Open the brackets using Conditionals.
1.Plants …(die) if you …(not/water) them.
2.Kate ….(not/feel) so exhausted now if she …(not/study) the previous night.
3.If I …(have) enough time, I …(do) a Master’s degree. But I’m extremely busy.
4.I …(not/fail) the course if I had worked harder.
5.If he …(not/be) on time for the interview, he won’t get this job.
6.If I wasn’t shy, I ... (can) ask Kathy for a dance.
7.If she ... (know) the rules of the game, she’d have joined us.
8.If Bob ...(not/stop)picking on me, he’ll regret it.

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1) a

2) c

3) a


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