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In June, the west Newton community in Surrey, Canada celebrated the official opening of its newly redeveloped Panorama Park. The ________(REDEVELOP) of Panorama Park was ____________ (CAREFUL) planned. Care was taken to protect significant trees; many new trees were planted, too.

“Making parks safe and _________ (ENJOY) is very important to build __________ (HEALTH) communities,” said City of Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts. “Panorama Park will be a wonderful meeting place for___________ (ACT) play and socialising for the west Newton community.” The park is 3.5 acres and has a neighborhood dog area, a play-ground, a bike track and an open grass area, which can be used for picnics and activities with children in a _________ (NATURE) environment. The opening _______(CELEBRATE) included cake cutting, face painting, community displays and activities.

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Аму́рский тигр, или  уссурийский тигр, или  сибирский тигр или дальневосточный тигр  (panthera tigris altaica)  — один из самых малочисленных подвидов  тигра, самый северный тигр. занесён в  красную книгу   международного союза охраны природы и в  красную книгу российской федерации. амурский тигр  — властелин огромных территорий, площадь которых у самки составляет 300—500 км², а у самца  — 600—800 км². если в пределах своих владений корма достаточно, то тигр не покидает свою территорию. при недостатке дичи увеличивается количество случаев нападения тигров на крупный скот и собак. амурский тигр активен ночью. самцы ведут одиночную жизнь, самки же нередко встречаются в группах. тигры друг друга особыми звуками, образующимися при энергичном выдыхании воздуха через нос и рот. знаками выражения дружелюбия также являются прикосновения , и даже трение боками. the amur tiger, or siberian tiger, or siberian tiger and far eastern tiger (panthera tigris altaica) — one of the smallest tiger subspecies, the most northern tiger. listed in the red book of the international union for conservation of nature and the red book of the russian federation. the amur tiger is the lord of vast territories, the area of which the female is 300-500 km2, and males — 600-800 km2. if the limits of their possession enough food, the tiger does not leave its territory. with a lack of game increases the number of attacks by tigers on livestock and dogs. the amur tiger is active at night. males lead solitary lives, females also often found in groups. tigers greet each other with special sounds formed with vigorous exhalation of air through the nose and mouth. signs expressions of friendship are touching noses, and even the friction of the sides.

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