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Нужно поставить артикли a/an/the
1.I'd like to go on holiday to... Australia. 2. The tallest building in New York is... Empire State Building. 3. I went skiing in...Alps. 4. The capital of... France is Paris. 5. The plane crashed somewhere in... Sahara desert. 6. ... Hawaii is an American state. 7. Mark Twain wrote about ... Mississippi River. 8. There was a nice concert in... Hyde Park. 9. ...Downing Street is one of the most popular streets in London. 10.My parents went to see ... Niagara Falls. 11. The tallest building in New York is... Empire State Building. 12. The lowest place in the USA is...Death Valley. 13. They had a small cottage near .Lake Winnipeg in Canada. 14. The highets Mountain in New Zeland is... Mount Cook. 15. The ship disappeared somewhere in...Pacific.​

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Make я делаю сладости со своей мамой.eats сара ест хот дог.wear мы одеваем новые одежды.plays мой брат играет в футбольной команде.dance мои друзья танцуют сальса.

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