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Задание 1 Выберите правильный вариант:
1) Punks enjoy wearing untidy and ripped _________.
а) clothing b) style c) clothes
2) In the 1950s young women and girls enjoyed wearing ________ skirts.
a) flares b) puffy c) bags
3) When teenagers are relaxing at home or out meeting with friends, they wear _____ clothes.
а) casual b) trendy c) oversized
4) The ethnic style _______ into fashion together with hippies.
a) went b) got c) came
5) Clothes were often _________ with embroidery.
a) put on b) customized c) kept
Задание 2 Раскрыть скобки, употребляя Second Conditional
If I _____ (can) fly, I would ______ (to be) unique.
If I _____ (to be) you, I would ____ (watch) a new thriller.
Mary would ______ (to learn) English better if she _____ (to live)
in England.
If they _____ (to be) rich, they’d ____ (to travel) a lot.
My friend would _____ (take up) guitar lessons if he ____ (to
have) more free time.
Задание 3 Соедините половинки предложений
If I were a tourist in my own country… a) …they would go to Britain, but they can’t
afford it.
If my mum went to Britain… b) …he’d wear this coat.
If they could… c) …I’d buy a matroshka doll.
If my sister got a new pair of jeans… d) …I would put it on for the interview
If he weren’t as short as he is… e) …she’d bring me back a birthday present.
If this sweater weren’t so tight… f) …she would be happy.

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Ответы на вопрос:

a) present simple

1)the metro is far from my house

2)mary and nelly are friends

3)it is10 o'clock. you are late for work again

4)the water in the ocean is salty

5)how old is mary?

6)we are glad to see them

7)what country is she from?

8)how much are the melons?

9)many different things are   made of plastic.

b) past simple

1)the door was opened

2)these cases were very heavy

3)yesterday we were at the theatre

4)besides him there were ten people there

5)my mother was 40 yesterday

6)the castle was one thousand years old

7)my shoes were very dirty

8)the children were as quiet as mice

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