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с тестом.
Choose the correct variant.

1. He is very fit for his age. He ______ run really fast.
a. could​​​​b. can​​c. was able to

2. He ______ climb up to the top: he was too scared.
a. couldn’t​​​​b. can’t​​c. was able to

3. I love ______ spend.
a. being able to​​​b. to can​​​c. was able to

4. You ______ buy any tourist equipment in this sport shop.
a. can​​​​b. are able​to​​c. could

5. I would like ______ work with you one day.
a. can ​​​`​b. to be able to​​c. will be able to

6. I think you should go to Mumbai in spring, it ______ crowded there in summer.
a. could be​​​b. is able to be​​c. can be

7. Do you know where Nick’s glasses are? He ______ see very much without them.
a. couldn’t​​​​b. can’t​​​c. isn’t able to

8. The sea ______ quite warm in October.
a. is able to be​​​b. could be​​​c. can be

9. Nelly’s phone got broken, but fortunately we ______ get a message from her.
a. could​​​​b. were able to​​c. couldn’t

10. I ______ sleep very well for the last four nights. It has been too hot.
a. haven’t been able to​b. can’t​​​c. couldn’t

11. My friend said that he ______ work much faster since he got that new computer.
a. was able to​​​b. could​​​c. had been able to

12. ______ read text books in Dutch when you have finished the course?
a. Will you be able to​​b. Could you​c. Are you able to

13. Ian gave me a lift home so I ______ stay at the party till late.
a. was able to​​​b. could​​c. can

14. I ______ ride this bike soon, I just need more time to practise.
a. am able to​​​b. could​​​c. will be able to

15. ______ do me a favour and fetch this book from the library?
a. could you​​b. will you be able to​​c. are you able to

16. ______ I ask you how old you are?
a. may​​​​b. can​​​​c. could

17. Visitors ______​stay in the hospital after 10 p.m.
a. aren’t able to​​​b. may not​​​c. are able to

18. She ______ angry if you do it.
a. might be​​b. could be​​c. will be able to be

19. The children behaved well and ______ watch TV longer than usual.
a. were allowed to​b. might​​​c. can

20. “If you do your homework well you ______ go to the cinema,” mother said.
a. might​​​b. could​​c. will be allowed to

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hurray! we are we having holidays!

autumn holidays are very short - only one week.

i`m not going to travel, i won`t go to the seaside, i won`t visit my granny in the village. however, i like autumn holidays. i will have a lot of time for my favourite activities.

in the afternoon i`ll play with my little sister and walk with her outdoors. we will pick up yellow beautiful leaves and watch the smart trees.

in the evenings i will read books and improve my spanish language.

it`s so great to have autumn holidays!

[ перевод ]

ура, у нас каникулы!

осенние каникулы короткие - всего одна неделя.

я не буду путешествовать, не поеду на море, не поеду к бабушке в деревню. но я все-таки люблю осенние каникулы.

у меня будет много времени для занятий моими любимыми делами.

днем я буду играть со своей маленькой сестренкой, и гулять с ней на улице. мы будем собирать желтые красивые листочки, и смотреть на нарядные деревья.

а вечерами я буду читать книги, и совершенствовать свой испанский язык.

хорошо, что есть осенние каникулы!

ну вот тебе 9 удачки.

Популярно: Английский язык