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Ex.2Write the opposite of the words in bold. Then order the letters in bold to make words.
Напишите антонимы выделенных слов, затем из выделенных букв составьте слово.

a Gloria isn't happy. She's sad.
That's because she hasn't adepss_________her exams.
b Paul isn't practical. He's impractical .He spends all the money he earns but he should
avse_________ some.
c Debbie isn't kind. She's___________.
In fact, she isn't gacnir_________ – she doesn't help other people.
d Frank isn't patient. He's _____________.He's always in a yrurh___________.
e Sheila isn't sensitive. She's__________.
She only thinks about herself - she's very elfhiss ___________.
f My bike isn't very comfortable. It's____________.
I was cycling duner _____________a bridge yesterday and fell off.
g Shaun isn't polite. He's ___________.I often feel samberrsdea _____________
because he says horrible things to people.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the adjectives:

1) kind с) добрий

2) helpful d) завжди готовий до

3) honest   a) чесний

4) friendly  e) доброзичливий

5) amusing   f) кумедний

6) jealous   b) ревнивий

2. Choose the correct variant.

1) She...on the phone right now.

C is talking

2) I've never ...a prize before.

A won

3) The building where I ... is on Lake Avenue.

A work  

4) John has... made chocolate muffins.

A never

3. Complete the sentences with as...as or not so...as

1) The blue car is as fast as the red car.

2) Today it's not so windy as yesterday.  

3) Peter is not so tall as Fred.  

4) This copy is as bad as the other one.  

5) Silver is not so heavy as gold.

4. Write about your best friend (примерное описание)

My best friend's name is Ivan. He is taller than me. He has got fair hair and blue eyes. Ivan likes playing basketball, watching anime, listening to music and playing computer games. He is good at drawing. His favourite things are his mobile phone and his drawing tablet. We have such common traits of character as a good sense of humour and curiosity.

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