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Заполните пропуски данными в скобках глаголами в соответствующей форме настоящего и будущего времени страдательного залога Simple:
1. In all free markets, price ____________ by supply and demand (to determine).
2. This African country ____ still ______ by a military dictatorship (to run).
3. Olympic host cities ____________ by the Olympic Committee (to choose).
4. What currency ____________ at Dubai airport (to accept)?
5. If an engagement ____________ , does the former bride-to-be get to keep the ring, or must she return it to her former fiancé ( to break)?
6. What ____________ to happen next year (to predict)?
7. Our college mate ____________ at a job in Florida at 42.5 hours per week (to hire).
8. Early Christians ____________ by Roman authorities in the 2nd century AD (to persecute).
9. Even today, no one knows how many Jewish children____________ during the World War II (to hide).
10. From the moment we walked into the Nile Palace, we ____________ with its beauty (to impress).
11. The lawyer who perished in the 2009 quake____________ for winning cases with his sharp wit and extensive knowledge of the law (to know).
12. The presentation of MTV Music Awards Ceremony held in England ____________ live over the Internet next Friday (to broadcast).
13. All our orders except one ____________ next Thursday (to deliver).
14. Where _____ the 2018 Olympics ________ (to hold)?
15. How many sports d d ____________ in the 2018 Olympics (to include)?

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Ответы на вопрос:

No, i stay at home.  what are you doing? i am watching tv will you go out tomorrow night? yes, i am going to the cinema which film are you going to see?   i don't know. i have not decised yet

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