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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect
1. I (to live) in Russia for many years
2. Mike (to visit) Paris several times
3. My mother (to work) in the library all her life
4. My sister recently (to enter) this university
5. He (to lose) his passport
6. I (to know) Kate since we were at school together
7. They (to buy) a new car
8. I already (to meet) this person
9. Anna (to eat) five apples today
10.My friends already to see this film

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) have lived

2) has visited

3) have worked

4) have entered

5) has lost

6) have known

7) have bought

8) have met

9) has eaten

10) have seen


1) I have visited a few different countries.

2) Not long ago I went  to Britain.

3) And I can’t say that I liked that visit to London very much. When I was there, it rained all the time.

4) and 5) I had wet feet and caught a cold.

6) I felt terrible.

7) and 8) If I will go to London next spring, I will take an umbrella, rubber boots and raincoat.

9) Britain’s countryside is a beautiful at any time of the year.

10) Each region has its own attractive and the landscape changes with the seasons.

11) Summer is the season of long, sunny days, ideal for visiting Scotland.

12) On a good day, you can take a boat trip. Then you can enjoy eating outside. But don’t forget that Scotland’s most famous food haggis is very unhealthy.

13) and 14) Visit the Highlands and admire the great of Ben Nevis and the brighty and beauty of Scotland’s gardens.

15) If the weather is rainy, visit one of the museums.

16) They have the price collections.

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