4. Use the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets.

Today is the last school day and we ________ (celebrate) this great event. Maybe we ________ (have) a barbeque party if it _______ (not rain). This year is very important to me because I _______ (meet) my best friend, Diana. I clearly remember the day of our first meeting. It was at my cousin's birthday party. Diana _______ (wear) a smart blue dress which her mum _______ (make) by herself.​

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2)Will have , rain wouldn`t be


4)Weared , made/

Favourite profession my favourite profession is fireman.it is so brave profession! the firemans wear red uniform,for that people can see them and go away.you can see them red big car everywhere.i like firemans and wish to be a fireman!

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