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Choose a word to put into each gap:

The Old Stone Age, hut or tent, ancient, dwelling, tents, to shelter, huts, one-storey cottages, the branches, a kitchen, destroy, mud and stone, narrow, building, a courtyard or garden, caves, wood, poles, huge castles, enemy attack, stormy, wicker basket work plastered, wild, the hearth, a bedroom, stone structures, towns, quarters, plaster over bricks,

1. Houses are built for … . 2. Primitive men tried to protect themselves from … weather, … animals and human enemies. 3. In prehistoric times men looked for protection under … of trees. 4. Some people settled in … . 5. The people of … had to find some warm and dry place … from bad weather. 6. They chose caves, dwelling places that storm and cold could not … . 7. On the walls of their caves … people painted pictures. 8. Trees were taken as a model for … built of branches. 9. Skins were raised on … and formed tents. 10. Primitive … , huts and … are the earliest types of human dwellings. 11. Simple … did not differ much from the … huts of an earlier age. 12. The rich people in the country built … with thick walls and … windows. 13. These castles were built to stand up to … and to be strong bases in time of war. 14. The chief or leader had a larger … than the rest of the people. 15. The streets in … were very narrow and there was not much place for … within the town walls. 16. There was … behind and … above in a typical town house. 17. Some of Egyptian houses were built around … with rooms opening into it. 18. In Greek houses there were special women’s … , usually upstairs on. 19. In Rome houses were often finished with … on both inside and outside walls. 20. The earliest houses in Britain were round, built of … or … over with clay. 21. In the centre of the house was … .

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Ответы на вопрос:

Это все государства (23, не считая независимые) находящиеся в северной америке.самое северное государство в северной америке это аляска (город барроу).

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