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Report the questions.
1) “Can she go out with us?” he asked.
2) “Are they going to visit us on Sunday?” asked granny.
3) “When did they go travelling?” asked mum.
4) “ Has she taken photos this summer?” interested Jane.
5) “Will the weather be fine tomorrow?” asked dad.
6) “How much did the CD cost?” asked my friend.
7) “Where are they going tomorrow?” asked the guide.
8) “ How did you get home so late?” asked my brother.
9) “Why are you going to stay at home?” wanted to know my sister.
10) “Where is the Opera House?” asked the stranger.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) He asked if she could go out with us.

2) Granny asked if they were going to visit us on Sunday.

3) Mum asked when they had gone travelling.

4) Jane interested if she had taken photos that summer.

5) Dad asked if the weather would be fine the next day.

6) My friend asked how much the CD had cost.

7) The guide asked where they were going the next day.

8) My brother asked how I had got home so late.

9) My sister wanted to know why I was going to stay at home.

10) The stranger asked where the Opera House was.

sports play an important part in the life of our state. it is very popular in ukraine. football, volleyball and basketball are the main sports. they are played at schools and institutes.

gymnastics, swimming and boating are popular in our country, too.

every school has its own gymnasium and sportsground and some have stadiums and swimming pools.

ukrainian football players and coaches are well-known in europe and in the whole world.

the names of ukrainian chess players. m. litynska, bilyavsky and ivanchuk are well known in the world, too.


спорт в україні

спорт відіграє важливу роль у житті нашої держави. він дуже популярний в україні. футбол, волейбол і баскетбол – головні види спорту. у них грають у більшості шкіл і інститутів.

гімнастика, плавання і човнярство також популярні в нашій країні.

кожна школа має свій власний гімнастичний зал і спортивний майданчик, а деякі мають стадіони і басейни.

українські футбольні гравці і тренери відомі в європі і у всьому світі.

імена українських шахових гравців м. літинської, білявського і іванчука також добре відомі в світі.

Популярно: Английский язык