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Kamchatka is a wild land of volcanoes, forests and lakes. It is also home to thousands of Kamchatka brown bears. The Kamchatka brown bear is very, VERY big. It can weigh more than 450 kg. When it stands up, it can be 2.50 m tall. It is very strong, with big teeth and long, sharp claws. Unlike Siberian bears, these big animals are usually very peaceful. For most of the year they live in thick forests and eat berries, nuts and roots. In the summer months, millions of salmon swim up Kamchatka's rivers from the sea. These fish are bears' favourite food. Bears travel hundreds of kilometres to live next to the rivers and catch the salmon. Bears are very good swimmers, and their thick fur keeps them warm in the ice-col water. When summer finishes, the bears go back to the forest. There they make a warm den' where they can spend the winter. Thome

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He would open the door, if he had the key.

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