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Установите соответствие рубрик 1-6 текстам А-Е. тексту соответствует одна рубрика. В задании одна рубрика лишняя
1 A cottage
2 A hall of residence
3 Ablock of flats
4 Ahotel
5 Apalace
6 Atent
A) This is a place where we usually stay when we travel. We don't normally stay here more than 5 days.
We always book B&B (bed and breakfast). If the room service is good, we give good tips.
B) Yesterday we visited a very large building. It was very interesting to see the place where the king and his
family lived. I was really impressed by a huge balI room. The garden near it was also very beautiful.
C) I've always wanted to live in my own house and now I have it. It's not very big and has only 3 rooms.
There is also a small garden with some fruit trees. I really like the river view from my bedroom window.
D) My parents gave me the best present for my birthday. Now I can go camping with my friends and have
my own shelter*. It's big and has a green colour. It's very easy to set it up.
*shelter - a place that protects from bad weather, danger, etc.
E) My room at university is not very, big but I like it. It's on the first floor, so you can quickly get to the main
building where we have lessons. The cafeteria is on the first too, so I can always have something to

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Ответы на вопрос:


A-4 (Hotel)

B-5 (Palace)

C-1 (Cottage)

D-6 (Tent)

E-2 (Hall of residence)


1 in prehistoric times people didn’t wear shoes; nowadays people have to wear shoes because we have got used to wearing shoes and can’t walk barefoot.

2 in those days people didn’t cook their meals, they ate raw meat. today most people boil or roast meat before eating it.

3 prehistoric people neither washed themselves nor brushed their teeth. these days such behaviour would be unusual, at least in big cities.

4 in those simple days men used clubs to settle their disputes. modern people go to court or call the police, they rarely fight.

5 thousands of years ago people either couldn’t talk or used very primitive language. i think they snarled at each other like dogs. modern people use very sophisticated language; there are even people who can speak two or more languages. we have writing as well.

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