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Choose the right answer
1) My father always ________ TV show in the evening.
a) is watching b) watches c) watch d) are watching
2) They ______ speak Spanish very well
a) aren’t b) won’t c) don’t d) doesn’t
3) Tom and Sam ________ to music yesterday
a) listened b) listen c) listening d) listens
4) She _______ a new dress 2 days ago.
a) buy b) buys c) buying d) bought
5) ____ you ____ him yesterday?
a) Was, see b) Did, see c) Did, saw d) Were, saw
6) New-York city is ________ city in the world.
a) bigger b) big c) the biggest d) the bigger
7) The country is ________ than city.
a) the cheapest b) cheap c) the cheaper d) cheaper
8) Monkey is ______ than dog.
a) the funnier b) funny c) funnier d) funniest
9) Anna ______ a lot of fast food
a) don’t eat b) isn’t eat c) aren’t eat d) doesn’t eat

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. b

2. c

3. a

4. d

5. b

6. c

7. d

8. c

9. d

2. I phoned my aunt yesterday.

3. She didn’t visit the zoo on Friday.

4. Did Tom wash the dog two days ago?

5. She didn’t cook meat yesterday afternoon.

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