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1. My boss is away on a business …

a) journey
b) trip
c) travel

2. Mrs Clark never travels by coach. She’s always … on such journeys.

a) seasick
b) travelsick
c) airsick

3. My mother always feels … when she goes on a voyage.

a) travelsick
b) seasick
c) airsick

4. The ship’s … across the Atlantic took one week.

a) journey
b) voyage
c) trip

5. No special skills are required …. this job.

a) for
b) at
c) to

6. During the storm we managed to keep the ship …

a) afloat
b) alive
c) alight

7. We can hardly … all the courses offered. We can sign up for at least two.

a) attend
b) avoid
c) acquire

8. I don’t think your aunt and uncle … such treatment.

a) defeat
b) deserve
c) delay

9. We’ve run out of vegetables. I think I should go to the …

a) baker’s
b) butcher’s
c) greengrocer’s

10. The main character of romance films is usually a brave, … man

a) beautiful
b) handsome
c) pretty

11. The members of the expedition set … at dawn.

a) down
b) about
c) off

12. I think I should start setting some money … for college.

a) about
b) aside
c) off

13. In what place in the airport do you sit and wait for your flight?

b) duty-free shop
b) departure lounge
c) luggage claim area

14. In what place of the airport do you collect your luggage after you land?

b) the customs
b) luggage claim area
c) duty-free shop

15. “Mum, … I go out with my friends on Sunday evening?”

a) must
b) might
c) may

16. You … ask the shop assistant to show you the dairy aisle.

a) can
b) may
c) must

17. Kamilla didn’t answer my call. She … to be.

a) must have gone
b) must be going
c) should have gone

18. I’ve failed my exam. I … harder.

a) must be working
b) should have worked
c) must have worked

19. What a wonderful smell. Mum … something tasty.

a) should have cooked
b) must be cooking
c) must have cooked

20. The child got sick in the car. You … slower.

a) should have driven
b) must be driving
c) must have driven

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1true 2 true 3 false 4 false 5 true 6 true 7 false 8 false

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