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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite или Past Continuous. Переведите историю.

One evening I (go) out with my friend Neil for a quiet meal in a country pub.

We (leave) at 9.30 and I (offer) to take Neil home.

We (drive) along when, suddenly, a car drove past us out of control.

The car (crash) and after that it (burst) into flames.

First we (run) to the burning car.

When we (get) there, we (see) three people trapped inside.

They (scream) and we (know) we had to get them out.

It was incredibly hot as we (open) the doors.

The driver (sit) inside, unconscious.

We (get) him out and then (go) back for the other two people.

Meanwhile, some people who (watch) from a nearby campsite, (call) the emergency services.

In the end, I (stand) there in a state of shock when a policeman (ask) me my name and address.

I couldn’t remember! I don’t think we (do) anything extraordinary but the police (present) us with certificates for our bravery.

It’s a nice feeling to know you’ve helped to save someone’s life.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Today Nur-Sultan is not only the capital of Kazakhstan but also one of the most beautiful Asian cities. The sights of the city are especially attractive. Among them, The Bayterek Tower, The Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center and many other attractions. The Bayterek Tower is especially important for local residents. It is the symbol of happiness and prosperity. In fact, it accommodates the art gallery, the restaurant and the aquarium.
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