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з Англіської.Translate into English using Participle.1.Ми гали як хлопці грали футбол.2.Я бачила,як хлопці пили чай.2.Вони чули,як її батько розмовляє німецькою мовою.4.Ми бачили,як він сідав у трамвай.5.Я бачик як човен наближався до берега.6.Оскільки вітер дув з півночі,було дуже холодно.7.Оскільки вчитель був хворий,у нас вчора не було уроку фізики.8.Коли батько прийшов усі сіли за стіл обідати.9.Оскільки було вже пізно,усі крамниці були зачинені.10.Оскільки телефон був несправний я не міг подзвонити вам.

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1. We watched while boys were playing football. I saw boys drinking tea. 3. They heard her father spoke German. 4. We saw him catching the tram(тут я не совсем уверена). 5. I saw the boat was approaching the shore. 6. Because the wind blew from the north, it was really cold. 7. The teacher was ill, so we didn’t have our physics lesson. 8. When dad came home everybody ate the lunch(перевод этого предложения может быть не точным). 9. It was late, so all the shops were closed. 10. My phone broke, and I couldn’t call you. Надеюсь, что это было полезно. (Если что я буквально вчера получила 100% по английскому школьному тесту, не волнуйтесь.)

My professionthere are many profession in the world. they are: doctors, painters, sculptures, teachers and others. every man is an architect of his own fortunes. after sсhool i want to enter the university. i am going to be a translater of english. i must take examinations on history, english and russian. as i want to be an interpreter i have to work twice as hord as ordinery pupil. thet, s why i take preparety couses on english.i know the proverb: never do things by halves. i like this profession very much! i absolutely disagree with young girls who get married after school. that, s the way how to look at it. the life is long and you must be ready to everythihg. that is whyif you have a good profession you may overcome all difficultes.my parents advise me to choose this profession because englishlanguage is popular in the world. i want to travel everywhere in the word. this is a very good and high paid job. i can work abroad and in foreign company. i can practice my language. this profession is very difficult. to comunicate with people in foreign language. a profession of an interpreter is popular and important in our days. i must work with people, learn traditions of foreign countries, foreign literature. i improve my english, reading english leterature, translating sentences from russian into english, learning new words and expressions. i go to my dream every ! i know the proveb: "no pains, no gains".

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