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Ex. 1. Explain what tense is used in each sentence and why.

1) I’ve been writing my report since morning.

2) He hasn't returned from work yet.

3) If I find this book, I will give it to you.

4) We are going to buy a summer house this year.

5) We always go to this store.

Ex. 2. Put in the question tags.

1) You aren’t playing football tomorrow, _______________

2) You’ll be OK, _______________, Steven?

3) Bonny likes brown bread, _______________

4) Your brother’s gone to Argentina, _______________

5) Polly forgot your birthday, _______________

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with is, are, have been, or has been.

1) Mr. And Mrs. Jones _________ sitting outside on their porch right now. They

_________ sitting there since after dinner.

2) The test begins at 2 pm. Right now it’s 11 am. Sarah is at library. She _________

reviewing her notes right now. She _________ reviewing her notes all morning.

3) Mark wants to buy a pair of jeans. He _________ waiting for an assistant right

now. He _________ standing there for over five minutes. He needs to find


Ex. 4. Complete the sentences with few, a few, little, or a little.

A: Kate isn’t happy at her new high school. She hasn’t met many kids, and she has

1) _________ friends.

B: Give it 2) _________ time. In 3) _________ weeks, she’ll have more.

C: I’ll have 4) _________ coffee with an apple pie. Do you want some?

D: No, thanks. I drink very 5) _________ coffee. It’s too bitter.


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До твердих горючих копалин відносять буре і кам'яне вугілля, торф, горючі сланці. Вугілля – тверда горюча осадочна порода рослинного походження.


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