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Ответы на вопрос:


1. Didn't mother cook yesterday?

Didn't they play basketball last Sunday?

Didn't he live in London last summer?

Didn't the friends watch TV together?

Didn't my brother study well at school?

Didn't the dog like its doghouse?

2. Mother cooked yesterday.

They played basketball last Sunday.

He lived in London last summer.

The friends watched TV together.

My brother studied well at school.

The dog liked its house.

3. Mother didn't cook yesterday.

They didn't play basketball last Sunday

He didn't live in London last summer.

The friends didn't watch TV together.

My brother didn't study well at school.

The dog didn't like its house.

Если сделай лучшим ответом отриц) did mother cook yesterday? (во отриц) did they play basketball last sunday? (во отриц) did he live in london last summer? (во отриц) did my brother study well at school? (во отриц) did the dog like its doghouse? (во

Механизмы, как правило, классифицируются как зубчатые колеса и зубчатые передачи, кулачки и передаточные механизмы и соединения; хотя существуют и другие специальные механизмы, такие как зажимные устройства, поворотные механизмы и фрикционных устройства, такие как тормоза и сцепления.

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