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Переведите следующие предложения со сказуемыми в пассивном
залоге, затем перепишите предложение, поставив сказуемое в активный
Example: Metals are usually melted and poured by founders into a form which is
called a "mould".
Founders usually melt and pour metals into a form which is called a "mould".
1 Different metals are produced by people in different ways.
2 Three methods are now used by us for producing pig iron.
3 Ferrous metals are used in industry in two general forms such as steel and cast
4 The iron ore charged into the furnace has been melted by the heat produced by
the coke burning in the blast of hot air.
5 Malleable iron castings are being increasingly used in industry.
6 Great shock will not be stood by grey iron.
7 The heat in the electric furnace was produced by electricity.
2 Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функции
1 Some metals have to be melted at very high temperatures.
2 To make non-ferrous castings, such metals as zinc, lead, aluminium and others
are melted together.
3 To line pipes and electrical cables such metal as lead is used.
4 One must add some tin to make brasses stronger.
5 Very few objects are made of pure tin, but it is used to make bronze, babbit, and
other alloy metals.
6 Nickel is used for covering iron and brasses to make them look better.
7 Nickel does not rust and can be polished to a very bright, silvery finish.
8 To increase hardness and strength of cast copper some cold-working operations
are performed.
3 Подчеркните суффиксы и приставки, переведите слова
to conduct, conductor, conductivity; red, reddish; silver, silvery; to possess,
possessive, possession; to plate, plating; to alloy, alloying; to resist, resistance,
resistant; strong, strength, to strengthen; hard, hardness, to harden, hardening; pure,
impure, purity, impurity, to purify, purification
4 Образуйте существительные и прилагательные от следующих
глаголов и переведите
to subject, to differ, to compress, to develop, to determine, to extend, to remove,
to evaluate, to break, to deform, to define, to penetrate, to resist, to indicate, to
5 Подберите синонимы к следующим словам:
Supply synonyms for the following words:
force, to call, to treat, to apply, a specimen, hard, small
6 Подберите антонимы к следующим словам:
external, constant, tensile, hardness, compression

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Ответы на вопрос:

my name is danil, i'm fifteen years old, i live in russia

in our family there are mother, father, sister and me. mom is very kind and sweet, hardworking dad, and sister are welcoming and ready to support in difficult times. also in our family there is a cat, whose name is snezhana, she is white and fluffy like snow.

on weekends i go swimming with my friend sasha.

что-то типо такого, надеюсь как-нибудь.

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