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№1 Раскрыть скобки (Past Simple или Past Continuous)

1 The boy _was sitting (sit) on a bench in the park __reading_ (read) a book.

2 The man _______________________ (take) my handbag while I _______________________ (sit) in the restaurant.

3 The policeman _______________________ (notice) the blood on the floor when he first _______________________ (enter) the room.

4 I _______________________ (try) to sleep when the doorbell _______________________ (ring).

5 The accident happened because the man _______________________ (drive) and _______________________ (talk) on his mobile phone at the same time.

6 When I _______________________ (reach) the other side of the lake, I _______________________ (feel) safe.

7 While I _______________________ (do) my English exam, I _______________________ (decide) to ask for a drink.

8 I _______________________ (see) the money on the ground as I _______________________ (walk) to school.

9 They _______________________ (start) climbing very early in the morning because they _______________________ (want) to reach the top by midday.

10 I _______________________ (sprain) my ankle while I _______________________ (play) basketball.

№2. Вставьте пропущенные слова. Первая буква вам дана

1 Nauru is a small rock island in the Pacific O_ _ _ _ , almost 4,000 km from Australia.

2 Primrose H_ _ _ in Regent’s Park is only 78 m high, but you can get a great view of London from the top!

3 When Mount Vesuvius – the v_ _ _ _ _ _ – erupted in 79 ad, it destroyed the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

4 Tower Bridge across the R_ _ _ _ Thames in London is a famous tourist attraction.

5 Some of the trees in the Black F_ _ _ _ _ are very old.

6 Parliament Street in the city of Exeter, England, is so n_ _ _ _ _ that two people can’t walk together at the same time.

7 Loch Ness in Scotland is a very d_ _ _ lake – it’s over 226 m from the surface to the bottom!

8 The Nile is 6,853 km long, but only 2.8 km w_ _ _ , from shore to shore.

№3. Послушайте, как пять человек обсуждают экстремальные виды спорта. Соотнесите каждого говорящего с высказыванием, выражающим его точку зрения. Одно высказывание лишнее

A Speaker ___ says it wasn’t easy learning to do their sport.

B Speaker ___ doesn’t do the extreme sport as much as they want to.

C Speaker ___ thinks the activity they did was too risky.

D Speaker ___ thinks they are too old to do the activity now.

E Speaker ___ doesn’t travel far to do their sport.

F Speaker ___ learned how to do their sport a long time ago.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Food is very expensive nowadays. while watching the film she was talking on the phone. i never use my car on my way to work. both misha and dima are not in the class. she knows two foreign languages.it's very hard to climb up a high hill.the trees in spring are all in blossom.  the climate of russia is mild. i'll try to come back as soon as possible.it is  impossible to do many thing at the same time.you should breathe deep not to fall down. we need to protect the environment.she meant no harm.

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