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1. The roads (cover) with the snow.
2. Chocolate (make) from cocoa.
3. The Pyramids (build) in Egypt.
4. This coat (buy) four years ago.
5. The stadium (open) next month.
6. Your parents (invite) to a meeting.
7. Where is your car? – It (mend) at the moment.
8. The books already (pack).
9. The castle can (see) from a long distance.
10. The guests must (meet) at noon.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:The roads (cover) with the snow. – Дороги покрыты снегом.

Chocolate (make) from cocoa. – Шоколад изготавливается из какао.

The Pyramids (build) in Egypt. – Пирамиды были построены в Египте.

This coat (buy) four years ago. – Это пальто было куплено 4 года назад.

The stadium (open) next month. – Стадион будет открыт в следующем месяце.

Your parents (invite) to a meeting. – Твои родители будут приглашены на собрание.

Where is your car? – It (mend) at the moment. – Где твоя машина? – В данный момент она ремонтируется.

The books already (pack). – Книги уже упакованы.

The castle can (see) from a long distance. – Замок можно увидеть издалека.

The guests must (meet) at noon. - Гости должны быть встречены в полдень.


1. you come, we shall still be packing. 2. when did you see. 3. i met, he was walking. 4. have you ever acted, i have been doing. 5. the child is sleeping, he always wakes, somebody opens. 6. i have left, i shall take, nick comes. 7. i had been reading, he came. 8. the play had not yet begun, the people were talking. 9. a little swallow was flying, his friends had flown, he had stayed. 10. what have you been doing. 11. i bought, i had lost. 12. we were walking, he had already told, that was, i had. 13. the moon had not risen, two stars were shining.

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