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Ответы на вопрос:

1.Where do these downloaders work?, We work in our instutition.,What language do you usually speak with these engineers?,We usually speak Russian ,Sometimes we speak french,Morning I enter the class and sit down at my dictations,do exercises speak french.This exercises is long.Do it in English the lesson.No they live in Leningrad.8.What do you do after work?-I have lessons in the evenings.9.Whose books are this?.-These are my books.Are these Russian and French books?-These are Russian books.10.Who is standing there?-This is Anna.

Hut - wooden log (log) house in a rural wooded area of russia. in the steppe, rich in clay areas instead of huts built of wattle and daub (hut).  вот перевод: изба́ — деревянный срубный (бревенчатый) жилой дом в сельской лесистой местности россии. в степных, богатых глиной областях вместо изб строили мазанки (хаты).

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