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II. Give synonyms to:
To aid, strength, to speculate, nothing more than, to lift, ancestors, to manufacture, to single out, precision, to perfect, in recent times, pattern, to develop, information-processing machine.
III. Give antonyms to:
Descendants, automated machine, exception, virtue, intelligence, to transmit, reliable, sufficient, in the early 10th century, in modern times.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Bollywood is a word made from Bombay and Hollywood.It refer to modern indian cinema. It is the most popular tupe of film on the planet and is very successfull in the UK. Bollywood makes more films then Hollywood and sells more tickets two,The films are full of songs,indian dance routines,comedy and action.The actors and actresses wear beautifull costumes,and their are allways a love story,but lovers rarely even kiss! The stars in Bollywood films become very rich and famous

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