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You have received the following note from the editor af Teen Voice, the student
magazine you sometimes write articles for. Write your article in 200-250 words. In next month's edition we're going to focus on public life. I hope you'll be able to write an
article about the way people live in our town for us. Consider the following: housing situation: way oflife: public transport; healthcare; sports and leisure facilities; traditions,
ПЕРЕВОД. Вы получили следующую заметку от редактора Teen Voice, студента
журнал, для которого вы иногда пишете статьи. Напишите свою статью в 200-250 слов. В следующем месяце мы собираемся сосредоточиться на общественной жизни. Я надеюсь, что вы сможете написать
статья о том, как люди живут в нашем городе для нас. Рассмотрим следующее: ситуация с жильем: образ жизни: общественный транспорт; здравоохранение; спортивные и развлекательные объекты; традиции,

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. hello! i have been trying to telephone you all week. where have you been? 2. "i don't think we have met before." "well, i saw you once at a party, but we were not  introduced then."3. it looks as if this light has been burning all night. i must have forgotten to switch it off before i went to bed last night. 4. come in now. i'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.5. i was going to buy the book, but when i heard the opinion of the critics, i changed my mind.6. at last you're here! i have been waiting here for more than half an hour. i might have known you would be late! 7. my father has been working in canada for the last year, so by the time he returns the month after next i will not have seen him for fourteen months.8. when you see him again you will be struck by the way his health has improved since he went to switzerland.9. if you had told me you had already bought the book, i woulld not have given it to you as a birthday present, but now it is too late.10. i rang the bell once more, but as he has not answered yet, i think he must have gon out. i would not have not bothered to come all this way if i had known.11. it's just as well we had brought a guide-book with us. if we had not, we would have been completely lost.12. you can't remember to have (told him how to get here. if you had, he would have arrived long before now.

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