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Progress Test
I.Прочитайте тексты и подберите подходящий заголовок. Один заголовок лишний.
1.Julie, an actress
2.Harry, a photographer
3.Bob, a teacher
4.Jenny, a writer
5.Andy, a student

a) I live in Oxford but two years ago I lived with my parents in a small
town in the north of England. Now I travel to my home town only
when I have holidays. It happens usually in summer because our sum-
mer holidays are the longest. In winter my parents come to me and we
celebrate Christmas together. But they don’t stay long. My university
life starts in January.
b) I’m twenty. I’m tall and slim. My hair is fair and curly. I always wear
dark suits and white shirts when I’m work. It’s important to look nice
when you work with children.
c) Hi!, I’m a Londoner. I work in one of the city parks. I’m not young but
I always wear jeans. I put on light sweaters in spring. Taking pictures is
my profession which I like.
d) I’m sixty and I’m rather stout but I was slim and beautiful when I was
younger. They say I’m very famous now and people admire my films
very much but I don’t think I like the way I look now.

a) b) c) d) extra

II.Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа в предложениях после

Hank lived in a small town, but then he got a job in a big city and went to
live there with his wife and his two children.
One Saturday morning Hank didn’t go to work. He took his new red car
out of the garage and was going to wash it. Mr Charles Clover who lived near
Hank’s new house came by. He saw car, stopped and looked at it for a minute.
Then Hank saw him, “Is it your car?” said Mr Clover. “Not always”. Said Hank.
“Why not always? What do you mean?” were Mr Clover’s words.
Hank said that when there was a party in the centre of the city, it was his
daughter’s car. Jane went to her parties in it. When there was a football game
that Hank’s son wanted to see, it was Joe’s car. When the car was clean and looked nice, it was his wife’s car. And when there was no gas in it, it was Hank’s.

1.Hank went to live in a _________.
a) village b) town c) city
2.Hank had two _______children.
a) big b) small
3.Hank got a job in a__________ city.
a) small b) big
4.That Saturday morning Hank’s car was _________.
a) clean b) not very clean
5. ___________ had a new red car.
a) Hank b) Hank’s family
6.Hank __________ drove the car.
a) sometimes b) usually
1 2 3 4 5

III. Дополните текст, используйте слова в рамочке. Два слова лишние.

early ears street address face home tall well in front of Doctor

Martin was returning (1)______. A (2)_______man came up to him. The
Man asked him where (3)____Cooper lived. Martin couldn’t believe his (4)____.
The man was asking for his (5)_____. Martin knew his (6) very (7). It was Mar-
tin’s face. He understood that his twin brother was standing (8)________him.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

IV. Выберите правильный ответ.

1.Look! They _______________ the picture.
a)have painted b) painted c)paints d) are painting
2.What _____he often _____ in the morning?
a)do…will b) does…do c) is…doing d) do…does
3.It’ll rain soon, ______?
a) does it b) shall it c) haven’t it d) won’t it
4.Her cousin is______ than his one.
a)the cleverest b) cleverest c) cleverer d) clever
5.They ______ some glasses 5 days ago.
a)has broken b) broken c) are braking d)brake
6._____you ever_____to the USA?
a)has…been b) have…been c) had…been d)did…been
7.The Volga is_______river in Russia.
a)longest b)longer c)the longest d)long
8.We_________ our tests yet.
a)haven’t do b)didn’t do c)aren’t do d)won’t do
9.Tower Bridge is situated in London not far from ____Tower.
a) a b) the c) -- d) an
10.Where is the money? – I think _________on the table.
a)it is b)they are c) them are d)it will

V.Составьте предложения.

1.Won, to, the, Paris,Nikita, trip.
2.Fashion, out of, this, jacket,you, wear, shouldn’t, it, is.
3.When, he, did, Sochi, travelled, to?
4.They, in, garden, helping, are, the, to, their, grandparents, during,
holidays, summer, this.
5.Can, I, English, speak, well, very.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1half 2 rink 3 took up 4 game 5 competition 6 course 7 beat 8 instructor 9 technical 10 skates

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