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очень надо!!!

1)Заполните пропуски в предложениях соответствующими
служебными словами из рамки.
рамка: at, during, in, into, of, up
1. Inside the house the ice quickly turned _____
2. This celebration took place _____ the last
winter month.
3. People give children chocolate eggs _____
4. Are long skirts still _____ fashion?
5. Please stand _____ before you answer the
6. Are you sure _____ these strange facts?

2) Используйте соответствующие глагольные формы, чтобы заполнить
пропуски в предложениях.
1. If you (ask) _______ John, he will answer your
2. I’m not sure if Polly (come) _______ to the party:
she’s not feeling well.
3. I’ll phone granddad as soon as I (arrive) _______
at the airport.
4. Nobody knows when they (show) _______ the
new play.
5. These people will be happy if the boat (arrive)
_______ on time.
6. When summer (begin) _______ I (spend) _______
a lot of time on the beach.

3) Напишите грамматически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.
1. I’m free tomorrow, that’s why I (am going to
visit/will visit) my granny.
2. There is no milk at home. – OK. I (am going to
buy/will buy) it on my way home.
3. I have tickets for the 7 o’clock show and I (am
going/go) there with my mum.
4. Next month Sally (will be/is going to be) twelve.
5. In the future robots (will do/are going to do) all
hard and unpleasant jobs.
6. The train to St Petersburg (leaves/is leaving) at
6.30 a.m.

4) Напишите эти предложения в косвенной речи.
1. Harry asks: “How are you, Donald?”
2. David says: “I know these poems.”
3. Johnson says:” Write a card to your granny,
4. Samuel asks:” Don’t buy a cuckoo clock,
5. Boris asks: “Are you going to leave
6. Sally says: “I will think about my career some

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Ответы на вопрос:

Как и все качественные продукты в стране - коричневого! .. В русский черный хлеб часто добавляется какао и кофе для придания этому плотному хлебу традиционный черный цвет.

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