Есть ответ 👍

Перевести предложения из активной в пассивную конструкцию:

1. My father has built this house.
2. People all over the world watch the news.
3. Don't worry; we shall solve your problem.
4. We don't use this room very often.
5. He brought these pictures from Italy.
6. Thick snow covered everything.
7. They didn't ask her name.
8. The secretary is still typing the letter.
9. He described his new flat for me.
10. Mum will cut the meat and chop it.​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

Мой отец построил этот дом.

2. Люди во всем мире смотрят новости.

3. Не волнуйтесь; мы решим вашу проблему.

4. Мы не используем эту комнату очень часто.

5. Он привез эти фотографии из Италии.

6. Густой снег покрыл все.

7. Они не спрашивали ее имени.

8. Секретарь все еще печатает письмо.

9. Он описал свою новую квартиру для меня.

10. Мама будет резать мясо и нарезать

1.This house has been built by my father.
2.The news are watched by all people the world.
3.Your problem will be solved by us.
4.This room isn’t used by us very often.
5.These pictures were brought from Italy by him.
6.Everything is covered by snow.
7.Her name wasn’t asked by them.
8.The letter is being still typing by the secretary.
9.His new flat was described for me by him.
10.The meat will be cut and chopped by my mum.

1i can speak with english people in another countries. 2 to study in university in uk (usa) 3 i really like it 4 trevel with my parents during summer holidays

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