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Выберите верную форму причастия
1. The information (used/using) in the report is rather unusual
2. Teenagers (eaten/ eating) ……..a lot of fried food put on weight easily.
3. The talk between the two presidents ( shown/ showing) ….. on TV was watched with interest
4. The question (asked/ asking) …… by the student sounded quite rude
5. Who is the girl ( sold/ selling) ….. potatoes over there?
6. The money (earned/ earning ) during the holiday is enough to buy a new computer.
7. What a ( fascinated/ fascinating ) ……story it is!!!!

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. The information used in the report is rather unusual

2. Teenagers eating ……..a lot of fried food put on weight easily.

3. The talk between the two presidents shown….. on TV was watched with interest

4. The question asked …… by the student sounded quite rude

5. Who is the girl selling….. potatoes over there?

6. The money earned during the holiday is enough to buy a new computer.

7. What a fascinating ……story it is!!!!

1) used

2) eating

3) shown

4) asked

5) selling

6) earned

7) fascinating


1) The information used in the report is rather unusual

2) Teenagers eating a lot of fried food put on weight easily.

3) The talk between the two presidents shown on TV was watched with interest

4) The question asked by the student sounded quite rude

5) Who is the girl selling potatoes over there?

6) The money earned during the holiday is enough to buy a new computer.

7) What a fascinating story it is!!!!

1) three letterboxes. 2) four letterboxes. 3) eight l etterboxes.

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