Есть ответ 👍

первому кто ответит , тому от которые тебе положены моментально!!!!!
Apart beside besides except instead only otherwise
1. ....... Selena decided not to take part
2. Everybody's here ...... for Lois
3. ...... from Bruce,is there anyone else who needs transport?
4.Clark is the boy sitting ..... Lana
5. There are three other boys in the family .... Dick
6. ...... of answering , she just stared into space
7. I need the car myself, ...... I'd let you borrow it

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Only
2. Except
3. Apart
4. Beside
5. Besides
6. Instead
7. Otherwise


2. Except

3. Apart

4. Beside

5. Besides

6. Instead

7. Otherwise

Do you usually cook food outdoors? (food—всегда используется с артиклем (а))2. Where is Nick's pet? (с притяжательными местоимениями артикль не ставится). It's in the kitchen. 3. There is a large kitchen in the house. (про кухню первое потребление, про дом речь идёт весь текст) 4. When did you wash a floor? 5. Browns have a small| house in the country. 6. What a small house! 7. What a large kitchen! 8. What the beautiful flowers! 9. What a cold day! 10. What the funny jeans!

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