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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.
1. Tom always (to ask) at the lessons.
2. I (to ask) at the last lesson.
3. Our country house (to finish) next year.
4. The dog (to find) by my sister yesterday.
5. This work (to do) tomorrow.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Tom is always asked at the lessons.I was asked at the last lesson.Our country house will be finished next year.The dog was found by my sister yesterday.This work will be done tomorrow.

m,r,l,e,l,a,u,b-umbrella(зонтик),t,m,i,t,e,n,s-mittens(варежки),r,s,t,h,o,s-shorts  (шорты),h,o,s,e,s-shoes(обувь)

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