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2. Cross the odd word out

a) class, pen, rubber, name;
b) Monday, Maths, Sunday, Friday;
c) hall, bedroom, wall, bathroom;
d) neck, mane, paws, giraffe;
e) pilots, bakers, teacher, doctors;
f) dress, shirt, socks, long;

3. Complete with there is, there isn’t
a) ………tables in the kitchen.
b) ………two windows in my room.
c) ………any carpets in the hall.
d) …….bed in my room so I sleep in the sitting room.

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. Cross the odd word out

a) name;

b) Maths;

c) wall;

d) giraffe;

e) teacher;

f) long.

3. Complete with there is, there isn’t

a) There are tables in the kitchen.

b) There are two windows in my room.

c) There aren't any carpets in the hall.

d) There isn't bed in my room so I sleep in the sitting room.


Какие из этих профессий требуют умственного, а какие - физического труда? ответ объяснить.

А) ветврач Б) шофер В)рыбак Г) инженер Д) учитель Е) › task

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1misuhderstand 2illogical 3mis-spell 4impossible 5unnumber 6irresponsible 7inatentive

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