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1) Вставьте предлоги off, away, out, back, apart, behind, out:
a) He fell ____ in Russian, so he had a few private lessons to catch up.
b) A hamburger to take ____, please.
c) He wants to take me ____ to the park.
d) I want to buy a new bag. My old one is falling ____.
e) She took ____her hat when she came home.
f) I will take ____ this toy, it is not in order.
g) It’s sad when you fall ____ with friends.

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Ответы на вопрос:

a) He fell behind in Russian, so he had a few private lessons to catch up.

b) A hamburger to take out, please.

c) He wants to take me away to the park.

d) I want to buy a new bag. My old one is falling apart.

e) She took off her hat when she came home.

f) I will take back this toy, it is not in order.

g) It’s sad when you fall out with friends.

Ithought the was weak to do it. peter is tall and lilly is short. she was too thin. usually i get up early in the morning. i've got a bright idea! my granny is old. jane made the wrong move. it's cold and sunny today. he is a great italian designer. it was a small size for her. i have some close friends. i am taller than she. i am very sad and angry when i get bad mark.

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