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1. In some countries advertisements to children ___ .

A is ban C has been banned

B are banning D are banned

2. The situation concerning advertising ___ last year.

A resolved C had resolved

B was resolving D was resolved

3. These days, junk food ___ too much.

A will advertise C was advertised

B is being advertised D was advertising

4. Children ___ by gimmicky adverts.

A are influenced C is being influenced

B influenced D influence

5. A lot of advertisements ____ harmful products.

A promote C are promoted

B has promoted D is promoting

6. Some countries ____ advertising aimed at children

A regulates C regulate

B is regulating D are regulated

7. A number of imaginative commercials ____ by the end of the next month.

A will be produced C will have been produced

B will produce D have been produced

8. Advertising to children ____ in this country.

A is controlled C has controlled

B controlled D were controlled

9. This time yesterday a new animated cartoon ____ .

A was shown C is shown

B had shown D was being shown

10. By the time you arrived, the cartoon ____ .

A had been shown C had shown

B was shown D has been shown

11. Many adults ____ by their kids to spend money on harmful products

A persuade C persuaded

B is persuaded D are persuaded

12. The concerns about bad influence of adverts ____ by numerous specialists.

A is shared C has been shared

B shared D are shared

13. Next time our programme ____ by a different manufacturer of these products.

A will be sponsored C will sponsor

B be sponsored D will have been sponsored

14. In many western countries this harmful food ____ since 2010.

A has been banned C banned

B are banned D were banned

15. We can be badly ____ by watching too many TV commercials.

A influenced C influencing

B influence D influences

16. There are countries where advertising ____ by the government.

A regulate C regulated

B regulates D is regulated

17. A new short and imaginative advertisement of these services _____.

A created C has been created

B have been created D are created

18. According to a recent media analysis, TV commercials ___ both adults and children.

A are influenced C has influenced

B influence D was influencing

19. Last week, a new fast food restaurant ____ in many TV programmes.

A advertised C was advertised

B were advertised D is being advertised

20. They say, this entertainment programme ____ by our mayor.

A is controlled C are controlled

B have been controlled D controlled

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Ответы на вопрос:

she-jess, kate, ann, jane,helen, mum.

he-tim, tom, ded.

it-box,hen, hat, duck,stick, tennis.

they-pens, foxes, pets,dogs

  green, fine,ten,seven,nice-это не слова существительные

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