Есть ответ 👍

Буду благодарен, если Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в правильной форме.

1. Five people (loose) their lives in that terrible hurricane some months ago.

2. They (do) the task by two o'clock.

3. It was getting hotter and hotter and the animals (lay) in the shade of the


4. Robin Hood and his merry men (take) money from the rich and

(give) to the poor.

5. All my friends (be) glad to hear that I (pass) all the exams successfully

Задание № 5

Выберите правильный ответ.

1. I booked my holiday ages ago/ I am going/ will go to Spain.

2. May be I'll go/am going to bed early tonight.

3. Look at those black clouds! It’s probably going to/will rain.

4. I promise I am going to/will feed the cat.

5. I will/am going to order a pizza if you like.

6. I want to buy a new video game so I'll/is going to save my pocket money.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Alena petite,funny and loves sweets.she has straight blond hair and grey eyes.she is 2 years.alena is a kind,curious and sweet.she was not tall,she has brown hair and a beautiful face.we often walk together.i love my sister alyona.

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