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1. Put the or – (no article).

1) The largest continent in the world is _______ Asia.

2) The longest river in the world is ________ Nile.

3) Do you know about _________ British Museum?

4) _______ Trafalgar Square is in _______ London.

2. Choose the correct variant.

1) This room is darker / more dark than that one.

2) He saw the popularest / the most popular film of the year.

3) Is that your / yours pen?

4) That pen is my / mine.

3. Put the verbs in the brackets in Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1) I __________ already ____________ this book. (read)

2) My friends ______________ in London last year. (be)

3) She ______________________ her hair yet. (not wash)

4. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. (Past Perfect, Past Simple)

1) He _________________ (learn) English before he __________ (go) to London.

2) ________ she __________ (write) a letter before her mother ____________ (visit) her?

3) Misha ________________ (not have) any friends before he _________ (arrive) to England.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)there is a big tree in the garden

2)there is a good film on tv tonight

3)there is a book on the table

4) there is a hospital

5 ) there is a swimming pool

1 ) there are 7 days in a week

2) there are any (two) cinemas

3 there aren't any hotels

4) there are a lot of accidents on this road

5) there are some big trees in the garden

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