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за Английский. Контрольная работа
II. Choose the right modal verb
1. You haven't eaten for 10 hours. You______ be hungry.
a) can't b) must c) may
2. He _____ be at school. I've just seen him in a cafe.
a) must b) can c) can't
3. Where is your dog? - He _____ be outside, I 'm not sure.
a) can't b) may c) must
4. It's cloudy. It _____ rain today.
a) can b) must c) can't

III. Choose the right option
1. I'm going to university that's why I need to do my_____ in my exams.
a) work b) good c) best
2. I can't do _______ my computer. I need it for my job.
a) good b)without c) harm
3.Though I didn't win this competition I got good _______.
a) experience b) job c) promotion
4. The summer holidays are over and we have to get __________ .
a) good experience b) back to studying c) a student loan
5. Once you've made a promise you should keep your ________.
a) open mind b) trying c) word
6. He has already gone to the town to do some ________.
a) shopping b) washing-up c) dishes

IV. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words below:
an apprenticeship, courses, a university, GCSE, vocational, opportunities, a school sixth form, A-level exams
Finishing secondary school is an important time in the life of each teenager. You should think over your options after the exams. British teenagers take 1) _________at the age of 16. Then they have several options. They can go to 2) __________ and continue their education. It is comfortable because you learn in familiar place with teachers that you know and have a lot of friends. But some teenagers prefer going to a sixth form college because it offers a wider range of subjects and options for students.
School sixth form and sixth form college take two years. They prepare students for 3)____________. You need them to enter 4)___________. Some teenagers can’t afford to continue their education because their families need them to contribute to the family income. They can go to 5) _________courses that teaches skills you need to do a particular job. Another way is to go to a company that offers 6) _____________. Some companies give an opportunity to do flexible or evening 7) ___________. So you can develop and get a promotion. There are a lot of ways and 8) _____________after finishing school. But it is up for you to decide and to choose.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Летние каникулы закончились.  зима с ее снегом здесь,  и как далеко от сегодняшнего дня  до нового года? подумайте о подарках и открытках.  подумайте о рождественских елках.  это не займёт у вас много времени,  если вы   побываете там в своих снах. ветрено и холодно.  жизнь скучна, и не весела.  и сколько времени займет наш полет от снега к солнцу? ты будешь в порядке.  солнце будет светить,  там не будет снега или дождя.  это не займет много времени,  если вы отправитесь туда на самолете. мы не нашли самолет, мы взяли большой воздушный шар.  и сколько времени займет наш полет  от земли до луны? идите вместе, идите вместе.  не забудьте спеть эту песню, если вы не ходите в одиночку.  это никогда не будет занимать у вас слишком много времени.

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