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1. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов, используя глагол в Present Simple. Помните о порядке слов в английском предложении.

1. I/my/every/friends/go/hall/the/to/Saturday/and/dancing
2. Live/parents/in/his/Chicago
3. The/during/sun/the/day/shine
4. Corner/the/stop/bus/at/the
5. Children/school/the/Spanish/learn/at
6. Not/tennis/they/together/play/do
7. Return/in/nature/to/spring/life
8. They/ the/do/way/know/not
9. Of/jet/a/noise/lot/engines/make
10. Nine/the/not/train/does/leave/o’clock/at

Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов, используя глагол в Future Simple. Помните о порядке слов в английском предложении.

1. (I/will/go/to/my/doctor/tomorrow.)
2. (He/give/me/a/complete/examination.)
3. (The nurse/lead/me/into/one/of/the/examination/rooms.)
4. (I/take off/my/clothes/and/put on/a/hospital/gown.)
5. (Dr. Setton/measure/my/height/and/my/weight.)
6. (Then/he/take/my/pulse/and/my/blood/pressure.)
7. (He/examine/my/eyes/ears/nose/and/throat.)
8. (He/listen/to/my/heart/with/a/stethoscope.)
9. (Then/he/take/a/chest/X-ray/and/do/a/cardiogram.)
10. (Tomorrow/he/call/me/and/tell/the/results.)

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Ответы на вопрос:

I. 1 all the children look forward to new year's day every winter. 2 who will look after your little brother next week? 3 ann is looking up a new english word in her dictionary at the moment. 4 i was looking for my friend all day yesterday. 5 my father is looking forward to seeing the new play at our local theatre. ii. 1 a lot of pilots use computer simulations for training. 2 i prefer digital cameras to the traditional type of cameras. 3 my uncle is a boss of a big company. he can't do without his laptop. 4 jane makes all her assignments on the computer.

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