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1 Fill in the gaps with apart, behind or out.

1. Tim has fallen __________ with Sam because he broke his MP3 player.

2. She fell _____________ with her schoolwork when she was ill.

3. The bookcase fell ____________ as soon as we placed some books on it.

2 Write the correct reflexive pronoun in the gap.

1. Did you hurt ___________ badly in the accident?

2. I made the meal _______________ .

3. We don’t need any help. We are going to do it _______________ .

4. He usually goes to the gym by _______________.

5. The computer switched off by ______________ .

6. The new teacher introduced ______________to the class.

3 Fill in the correct word.

sore ache miserable chip flu sprain hurt appointment

1. Can I have some honey, please? My throat is ______________ .

2. I have a(n) ______________ to see the doctor this afternoon.

3. Polly didn’t go to school today as she had a stomach ________________ .

4. John has _______________ his back and has to rest.

5. When you _______________ a tooth you have to go to the dentist.

6. What happened? Did you ________________ your wrist?

4 Read the text below and choose A, B or C to complete the sentences.

Oxfarm is a UK charity that helps people who are in need of food and water and whose lives are 1) ____________ danger when natural disasters hit the 2) ____________ thy live in. Members 3)_______________ Oxfarm are spread out around the world. Spain, Germany, the United States and Canada are only 4)_____________ of the countries that are part of the Oxfarm family. Volunteers from all over the world offer their help to improve the quality of life of 5) ________________ people.

A) in B) out C) on

A) world B) area C) house

A) to B) under C) of

A) some B) many C) any

A) unable B) unlucky C) unusual

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