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Переписать предложения в косвенной речи.
1. “I’m going to the seaside soon,” she said.
2. “Does this bus stop next station?” asked Helen.
3. He asked her:”Are you working now?”
4. The teacher asked:”Can you play the piano?”
5. I asked her:”Why are you late?”
6. “Who has broken the window?” the teacher asked.
7. “Look at this paper” he said.
8. “Don’t go alone in the evening,” she said.

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,4(32 оценок)

1. She said she was going to the seaside soon

2. Helen asked if that bus stopped next station

3. He asked her if she were working

4. The teacher asked if I could play the piano

5. She asked me why I was late

6. The teacher asked us, who had broken the window

7. He said to me to look at this paper

8. She said to me not to go alone in the evening

1, 1)глория ты любишь поп музыку? 2)ты часто ходишь на рок концерты? 3)была ли ты студенткой в университете? 4)где ты обычно поешь? 5)какие песни ты будешь петь? 2, these albums are his. these anwers are his. this job is yours. that sucess was mine. those photots were theirs. 3. 4) deers are such beatiful animals. 9) of - than 10) them - their 4. 1) are 2)  are 3) was, came 4) is, lives 5)was, is

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